Melody, Cleric of Korda: A 5th-level Boss Monster for 5e

Melody, Cleric of Korda: A 5th-level Boss Monster for 5e

I had a great time designing this villain for our home 5e game. For once, I felt creative cobbling a chapter-level boss together.

I used some of the primary design goals for 5e. Monsters are expected to last three rounds and thus their actions should generally be limited to attacks. I tried to keep the dreaded 5e wall of text down, but the reskinned spells I used added bloat.

Mind Flare is an obvious reskin of Tasha’s Mind Whip used by our party wizard. It’s always fun to toss the party’s classic moves back at them. Wrath of Korda is merely Fireball by a different name.

Melody worked well in the fight. The high AC and Legendary Resistance helped out a lot. We got lucky as the DM decided not to bring along minions…

Find a full write-up here.

Reworking 5e Monsters I - Old(er) school Gnolls

Reworking 5e Monsters I - Old(er) school Gnolls

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